
Análisis Softonic

Búsqueda de energía por Mobilers Oasis

電源検索 by モバイラーズオアシス is an Android app that serves as a mobile power outlet search site. With over 2000 recorded spots, it provides information on cafes, fast food restaurants, libraries, and other establishments that allow users to use their power outlets. Whether you are in Tokyo, Sapporo, or Fukuoka, you can find power outlet spots all over Japan.

The app is designed to cater to both smartphone charging and computer work needs. When launched, it primarily displays shops intended for smartphone charging. However, by selecting "パソコン作業" (computer work) from the menu, the app will no longer display smartphone charging-only shops and will instead show co-working spaces and libraries. This allows users to choose the appropriate location based on their specific needs.

Furthermore, users can filter the displayed categories based on their preferences. For example, if you don't need to eat inside a convenience store or only want to see cafes, you can toggle the categories on and off to customize the displayed results.

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